Preparing Your Home For Sale

Follow These Tips to Prepare Your Home For Sale

Clutter makes it difficult for potential buyers to envision the space as their own.
Mow the Lawn
Make sure the lawn is mowed for the best first impression.
Spruce up the Landscaping
Landscaping is what potential buyers see first; trim the hedges and shrubs and replace any dead or dying plants with fresh, lively ones.
Replace Peeling Paint
Whether inside or outside, potential buyers' eyes can be drawn to this eyesore.
Remove Marks on Walls
You may not see the everyday wear and tear, but potential buyers will. Taking the time to fix them can have immense benefits.
Replace Worn Carpets and Drapes
Freshen up the interior by replacing visibly old finishings.
Clean Dirty Windows, Kitchen, and Baths
This is a simple fix to make your home shine in its best light.
Freshen Up Anything That Looks Old or Worn
Spruce things up to make your home seem more modern and fresh.

Preparing Your Home for Showings


  • Remove toys, newspapers, yard tools and other clutter.
  • Tidy up and pick up after pets.
  • Park vehicles in the garage or on the street, leaving the driveway clear.
  • Add color with flowers and potted plants. 
  • Mow the lawn
  • Remove leaves or shovel a path through snow, if applicable


  • Make beds, clean up dishes and empty wastebaskets.

  • Remove clutter throughout and put away toys.

  • Set out “show towels” in bath.

  • Freshen the air with potpourri or by baking cookies, deodorize pet areas and set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature.

  • Do a quick vacuuming and dusting.

  • Arrange fresh flowers throughout the house.

  • Turn on the fireplace when appropriate.

  • Play soft background music.

Ready to Sell Your Home?

Our market experts are ready to offer you personalized recommendations to help sell your home quickly and for the best and highest price.